Saturday, 7 May 2011

Ancient Allies Season 1 Episod 00 

---(first season nouns)---
1)Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first man on moon
3)NAZCA desert of PERU(countless geomentric pattern overthere) (the lines look like air stripe)
  NAZCA= the place with a lot raw materials like gold, uranium, just like a cliffnotes of planet earth
4)Giant metal bird god (remote island belief on indonesia)
5)Holy Bible The Old Testament
6)Book of Ezekiel (consist of four-face winged creatures)
7)Joseph Blumrich (senior chief engineer at NASA in charge of Mariner spaceship)
8)Biblical text
9)Enoch in (apocryphy texts) (Books of enoch) (taken by gods for 300 years)
11)Indian Sanskrit epics of india
A) Vimanas (Rukma Vimana (100feet tall) airship)
B)Bhagavata purana (sanskrit)
C)King named Shol'va (piloted spaceship,have motion of butterfly)
D)Mahabarata (war)
F)The Ramayana

----(stone carving and drawing on ancient cave) around the world or artifact----
12)Cave of Italy
13)Sego Canyon,Utah (US) (pictoglyphs)
14) Kimberley Australia
15) Guatemala city 
16) Columbia (thousands of tomb artifacts)
17)Istanbul museum (have headless spaceman)

---Mexico---- (Mayan Vanished around 500 A.D)
18)Pyramid of Palenque (Mayan) (7 tons of Sarcophagus) of Palenque 7th century ruler:LORD PAKAL(giant)

19) Piri Reis(1531) 16th century turkish almirant (Discovered In 1929,world map painted onto a piece of gazelle)  (made during Antarctica was ice free)
20) Cuzco
22)Pyramid Giza (2,560 BC) (build by 9 second per stone, if complete in 22 years) and (built to store knowledge 300 books)
23)Saurit Pharaoh (same as a hebrew community call Enoch)
24) Joseph Seiss (1877) author and theologian (the pyramid at the intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitud) and (each four side aligns almost precisely,with the point of the compas)
25)Teotihuacan (On mexico City of the God___ 2000 years) near Pyramid of the Sun (Aztech)
26)Pyramid of the Sun,Pyramid of the Moon
27)Eastern Island (800 stone guardians called Moai)
28)Moai (watch over the islands coast line)
29)Tiwanaku (Bolivia)
30)Puma Punku (highland of Bolivia)(Peru) 
31) diorite a stone harder one level lower than diamond

space age spin
(tangible) evidence
harness electric
scietific (merit) top of the area plateau
various (disputed) (exponention) suggest
irrigation diggest
wide (bands),that look like air stripe
over valley
-------NAZCA_Giant metal bird god (cargo calls)-------(part2)
planetary (pitstop)
gigantic geroglyphs
the (ruble)
bone dry desert
let's just say hypothetically
artistic impulse
NAZCA lines are so (inhumanly vast)
that can only be admired by people who are capable to flight
spiritual (labyrinth)
spiritual  (totemic) object
to get kind of (epiphany) from that
tremendous speculation

-------Holy Bible The Old Testament----------
a question of (interpretation)
------Book of Ezekiel--------
He describes the whole thing as been (splendid) as in Gods
splendor of gods
glittering clothes
to (intervene) in human history
myth and (metaphore) and images to describe their experience of God
fundamental literalism
so important, so (compelled), so significant
why can't 
modern society come to (grips)

--------Cave of Italy------
depict figures dressed in strage attire from the times
witha halo around their heads
compelled them
on yes another (continent), in Guatemala City
we have a sculpture that looks (eerie) (reminescent) of modern day astronaut ====(32:07time)
rebreathing apparatus 

------Columbia aircraft-----
it has fixed wings
it has a fuselage
it has an upright tail fan
which is not (intrinsec) to nature
we are part of a cosmic hierarchy beings
other (proponents) of tese ancient astronaut theories

-------Pyramid of Palenque (Mayan) LORD PAKAL----------
before were (stumbled upon) by Spanish explorers 
seret tomb
(interpret) the carving a (vastly) diffrent way 
incredible enchiseling
sitting on a capsule
the (heel) of his left foot is on kind of (pedal) 
(casual) visitor 
Althought the (sarcohagous) it's off limit's
rocket (exhaust)

------------Piri Reis (the world map)---------
we did not have ground-penetration radar until to 1958

--------Pyramid Giza----------(42:06 time frame)
little interplanetary help
two and half million (limestone)
is not that much to really get a good (grasp) on what there is.. ginat block of stone
(basalt) block
(stack) them up together
those number just (adapt) 
(levitating) the blocks with some kind of sound system
and a (ramp) that has to be almost two mile long
is that they are so finely (aligned)
build (granite) and marble areas
dictated by the guardian of the sky 
the pyramids are the only ancient monuments, that continue to (bafle) scientists and archaeologists

---------Puma Pumku (believe built by Aymara Indians)--------
asif (ripped) apart by some sort of great force

perfectly (interlocked)
but with the nearest (quarry)
(colossal) stones
stone age (chisels)
most (intriguing)
(granite and diorite)
that (degrades) and decays
so we see moulderless structures

Erik Von Daniken :swiss author = chariots of the gods
Frank Herbert Dune

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